Sunday 24 November 2013

Magazine Advert Editing

<-- 1. I firstly put the selected image, that we used on the back of our Digi Pack.

2. I then added a blue filter and a cream filter onto it to make it have a vintage effect. -->

<-- 3. After placing the filter over the top, I increased the contrast and brightness of the image and created two orange/red gradients. One coming from the corner and the other a line down the center.

4. I then created a soft tones border and placed the Digi Pack Front Cover in it.-->

<-- 5. I then added the text, 'Mike Dignam' is in the same font as the song list on the back of the Album; 'Debut Album' and 'Out Now' is also but it has been put in a linear light. 'i'll lie here' is in the same font as the same title that is on the album cover.

6. An iTunes logo has been added but faded slightly and a new border created.-->
 <-- 7. Inside the border, star ratings have been added in the linear light again.

8. To finish the Music Magazine ratings have been added to the stars, creating an attraction. Mike Dignam's website and Twitter has also be written underneath.

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